Owned and Operated by Veterans and Law Enforcement

Owned and Operated by Veterans and Law Enforcement

COMBO: Taser EDC + OC Pepper Spray Permit


***Must attend Class at Phoenix Station***

Once a purchase is made, we will get in touch to schedule an appointment.
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10am to 3pm
Phoenix Station: 925 N La Brea, 4th floor, 90038, West Hollywood


Product info


Phoenix Prime Training has put together a training program specifically designed for law enforcement officers and other individuals requiring a Taser Certification. Topics covered include an overview of the Taser electronic control devices, use of force legal and policy issues, medical information, and risk alleviation.

Attendees will receive high-quality information as to how the Taser electronic control devices incapacitate individuals, how these devices fit into law enforcement strategies and various policy recommendations. Additionally, liability exposure and reducing individual injuries will be covered.

The OC Pepper Spray Course is a comprehensive training specifically designed for Law Enforcement, Security Officers, and other industry professionals. You will gain detailed information in the use of all types and forms of Oleoresin Capsicum aerosol projectors.

Length: 2hrs


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